Mac vs PC – Which One Should I Buy?

by Jun 13, 2016

Here’s a question that gets asked quite a lot. Let me try to answer it in a way relevant to the end users – you.

Funny story. When the PC and Mac computers started clashing against each other for the first time, PC was marketed as a “worker’s” platform, a computer to own if you want to do your taxes, write Excel documents, draw or design on a computer, while Mac was an entertainment platform, for games and music.

Some of it lingered on until today, but in most aspects, these two opponents on the market seem to have swapped places. Let’s see what PC and Mac computers are good for today.


A standard PC runs Windows or one of the Unix platforms and can be used for a broad range of things. It’s a favorite amongst students, as it’s got all of the capabilities they need – they can do research, run standard programs and tools for learning and still have access to all kinds of entertainment content, including games. PC’s are also a lot more customizable, and easily upgrade over time – there aren’t generations like there are with Apple product because an older generation product can handle some of the new generation of components and see an upgrade in overall performance.

PC also allows for a lot more hands-on approach for people who want to toy with the system settings, and I don’t mean changing icons or sounds. Windows platform allows for a lot of in-depth system customization, and Unix systems (Most popular builds are Linux builds) are built from scratch on the idea of having full and absolute control over everything. There’s a program for everything, and for every problem that you may encounter (or cause) as you toy with the advanced settings can be solved by a quick search – PC platform has so many users, that someone was sure to have had that problem and found out how to solve it.
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Mac is a different kind of beast. What was once a system for games is now viewed as a more serious platform. The full synchronization with all other Apple products is one of the most convenient things it has to offer, as nearly everybody has an iPhone.

The platform offers programs for designing that are outmatching what PC has to offer, and ease of use is what drew in a lot of designers and people who enjoy art or video and audio creation but don’t want to have to acquire advanced computer skills. They only have to master the skills they need to manipulate video or audio.

The Mac OS is a self-contained system with some customization when it comes to features, but a lot of interface customization. The system upgrades itself; the rigorously-controlled Apple store offers all kinds of additional apps that fulfill their purpose.


I am biased here, as I’ve always been a fan of the PC platform. If you know what you need from a computer, you will have an easier choice to make. If you don’t want to deal with computer maintenance options, you want to surf social media, watch movies, listen to YouTube and have access to some of the most popular audio and visual design tools? Go Mac. It will serve you well until it goes obsolete two generations later. Do you want a modular system that you can get into setting up so it suits your needs and that can be either a workstation, study station or a gaming station? Go for the PC.

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